A subject of discourse, discussion, medication, or composition.
Conference Themes
Renewable Energy Conversions:
Conventional energy Systems(CE)
Fossil fuels and its technologies
Renewable Energy Systems and Sources(RE)
Wind Energy; Hydropower; Pump Storage Hydropower; Solar Energy; Biomass; Biofuel; Biodiesel; Geothermal Energy; Ocean Thermal; Wave Energy; Tidal energy; Fuel Cells; Energy Storage; Magneto Hydro Generator; Nuclear Energy.
Hydrogen Energy , Graphene and Fuel Cells( HE)
Sustainable Hydrogen Production; Hydrogen storage; Hydro-oxy fuel; Hydrogen Power appliances; Fuel cell
Policies and Strategies for Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies(PS)
Strategic Need towards Sustainable Development
Energy Savings and Storage Devices(ES)
Vehicular Technology; Power Electronics; Electric Machinery and Control; Battery Technologies
New energy materials and device(ND)
Lithium ion battery materials, a new type of fuel cell materials and solar cell material
Hybrid renewable energy sources and system(HS)
Stand Alone; Grid Integrated and Building Integrated Systems.
Nano materials in Energy System(NM)
Graphene; Carbon nanotubes; Nanorod; Carbon Fiber; Semiconducting materials; SMART Materials; Magnetic Materials
Bio Sustainability:
Bio Energy(BE)
Bio-energy system; Biomass resource management; Bio-waste conversion to energy; Bio-hydrogen
Bio Diversity(BD)
Floral & Faunal diversity; Aspects, Importance & Issues of Biodiversity; Biodiversity & Human Civilization; Biodiversity Benefits for Ecology; Marine and Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation and Impure Public Health; Impact of Climate Changes on Global Biodiversity.
Bio Technology(BT)
Environmental Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Industrial Biotechnology, Plant or Animal Biotechnology, Bio-fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Bio Fermentation, Impacts of Green Biotechnology and Blue Biotechnology, Nano Technology in Medicine.
Ecology and Environment(EE)
Environmental pollution control; Impact of Micro and Nano Plastic Pollution on Environment; Environmental Problems; Ways to Protect Yourself from Smog; Impact of Climate Change on the distribution of Migratory Marine Species; Effect of Invasive Plant & Animal Species on Ecosystem Structure and Function.
Micro Biology(MB)
Role of Microorganisms in Waste Recycling; Role of Microorganisms in Environmental Sustainability; Microbial Toxins and Their Mode of Action; Importance of Microbiology in Agriculture and Environment; Recent Advance and Uses of Microorganisms in Various Fields Of Science; GMOS and world opinion.